Competitive Bid Policy

菠菜网lol正规平台's policy of awarding contracts to suppliers requires that we meet our needs for products and services at the lowest overall cost and the highest practical quality while affording the maximum opportunity practicable to those who wish to become suppliers to 菠菜网lol正规平台.

There are 4 conditions for awards:

Under $50,000

For orders estimated at less than $50,000, competition is sought if the Buyer determines that competition is desirable to:

  • Acquire the best price and/or delivery.
  • Develop a source.
  • Confirm prices.
  • Other compelling business reasons.

It is our standard business practice to confirm that reasonable prices have been quoted before making a commitment.

$50,000 to $100,000 from Certified Small Business

Acquisitions for commodities and services estimated at between $50,000 and $100,000 may be awarded to a Certified Small Business without a formal bid process as long as price quotations have been obtained from 2 or more Certified Small Businesses.

For more information, see our Small Business Program.

$50,000 or More

All purchase contracts involving an expenditure of more than $50,000 for products and/or services shall be awarded based on the formal competitive bid process with awards being made to the lowest responsible bidder meeting specifications on our Requests for Bids, and the highest ranked vendor on our Requests for Proposals.

Awards shall be determined on the basis of one of the following methods:

  • Cost alone.
  • On a cost per quality point basis.

Many CSU or campus-wide pricing agreements have been established as a result of the competitive bid process. Once such contracts or agreements are established, 菠菜网lol正规平台 Buyers can purchase products and services against them without being constrained by any additional requirement for competition.

Single or Sole Source

The requirement for competitive bidding of products and services in excess of $50,000 shall not apply when the Purchasing Manager determines that a product or service is unique or proprietary, single or sole source which is defined as:

A product or service the characteristics and functions of which are such that only a single product or service will properly satisfy the University's needs and all other products or services will be unacceptable for such needs.

For more information, see our Selection of Suppliers Policy.